Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Big mouth

Have you ever innocently spoken your mind just to find out someone listening blabbed it to someone else? Someone up the chain of command at your job?

One word: traitor!

I thought of many things I wanted to say to this person but have decided not to do anything. Exactly that: not do anything. That person will no longer be included in any email messages I send and I am not sure I will be able to say more than a curt "Hello" when we actually see each other. Luckily, I don't see this person very often.

I have actually been burned at work a couple of times so I should learn to keep my opinion to myself...or start a blog!

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Ties and Tails

My Boys!

Here they are - the loves of my life. Duffy on the left and Bailey on the right. I have way too many pictures of my boys - enough to fill two calendars and counting.

I'm still trying to decide what I will write about on this blog. The thought of sharing my thoughts online overwhelms me and makes me feel a little pretentious, to tell the truth.

I named it "What Was I Thinking?" because I ask myself this at least once a day.

I feel I need to dip my toes in the technological waters in which my students are so comfortable swimming. I'm sure many mistakes will be made but I look forward to learning all about blogging.


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