Thursday, September 25, 2008


I am a librarian again. I am working in a PK-4 elementary. The school was new last year but the librarian became ill during the fall so they essentially did not have a librarian last year. They were so excited to see me which really made me fell I made the right decision to return to the library.
The school has a Western theme so I found Woody, Jessie and Bullseye to introduce the library rules and procedures to the kids.

I am having fun and glad I made this decision.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Just around the bend

13 days left of school (not that I'm counting) and I can only look ahead to August and a new school year in a new school in a new district. Somewhere where I am greeted with big smiles, hugs and "we are so glad you are here!" What a difference from where I have been.

I am reading books like crazy after a many months-long "drought". I am reading through the 2008-09 Texas Bluebonnet Award list, the latest Stephenie Meyer's book, The Host, Angels and Demons by Dan Brown, The Road by Cormac McCarthy and any new children's book I can get my hands on.

Life is looking up!! And just in time for summer - Grand Canyon, here I come!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Are you still here??

(Duffy pretty much sums up his attitude about the holidays.)

Hi, how are you? Have you been here long? Sorry, didn't see you there but then I haven't been here since August!

Actually, my blog is one of my opening tabs so I do see it from time to time as I skim across the top looking for another tab.

Nothing really to say - just trying to get through the school year with the hopes that I will be somewhere else next August.

Times flies and I wish I had more to say about my life but it is what it is. Don't you hate that saying? I can't believe I just used it.

My boys are doing great. I am devoted to them and when my friends with human children start complaining about the things their kids are doing and/or saying, I am really glad to have my canine kids.

I've been in an astoundingly long "reader's block". I have had the same YA book sitting by my bedstand since December. I have rechecked it once then checked it out and rechecked it on my aunt's library card - that's twelve weeks and I still haven't finished it. I hang my head in shame.

I went to a crop last night for the first time in a while. It was fun - I got to use the Cricut for the first time. I cut letters for a title on one of the pages I was creating. I have just ordered some more supplies from - somebody stop me!!

That's it for now. I feel the need to go do something so I can add it to my blog before summer. We'll see - later!!