Sunday, August 19, 2007

Just don't know what to do with myself

I haven't posted in a while due to summer schedule and - who am I kidding? - because I'm writing for me and I haven't felt like talking to myself in a while.

My job situation has thrown me for a loop. Four of my very dear friends left to work together somewhere else and three others quit in the last two weeks. I feel lost and abandoned. Sounds silly but when most of your life revolves around work and you don't see those familiar faces anymore, it really affects the whole atmosphere (and attitude) at work.

Speaking of... we were instructed on how to be empathetic recently. I was telling a friend about it later and she thought it sounded so silly (as did I). "You are either empathetic or you aren't by now!" I concur!

Duffy's got allergies in his eyes - or so thinks the vet. Both eyelids are covered with bumps and his eyes are matted closed in the morning when he comes out of his crate. Poor baby!

I went to my first crop Saturday night. I was intimidated by everyone there but especially by this one young woman who has been cropping three months and was creating the most adorable pregnancy books for her friends (11 in her group are pregnant, OMG!) made from small brown paper bags folded over and loaded with cute papers, tags and embellishments. I look forward to going back, though, because they are such nice ladies!

Plug time:

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