Sunday, May 13, 2007

Dam it!

I must be in the writing mood today. Two posts in one day!

I am sitting at a crossroads at this point in my professional life. I feel like everything is backed up, waiting for a dam to burst loose so I can find my way to smooth waters. There are a number of logs in the dam. Here are just a few:

My "boss" who has been a co-worker and friend for many years is moving on and I'm not sure I like what he's leaving behind for the rest of us. I have been more sensitive lately (allergies=medication=mood swings) and I am letting this get to me more than it should.

I like what I am doing now but I know it will change significantly next year. I can hold out for one year and hope I get a position at (another) new school but I can't guarantee I would get it. Things have changed quite a bit in this district over the past few years. No more guarantees about anything anymore!

I also have a dilemma about teaching summer school. I applied to two campuses and have been hired for both. Now, I have to decline one of the positions without burning my bridges for next summer. Boo-hoo, poor me with two jobs - I wished I could feel ashamed for the excess but a girl's got to do what she can in the world of poorly paid educators.

Maybe a new profession? I don't feel financially stable enough to make a choice that radical just now.

Maybe it's the spring weather that's got me so conflicted - oh, well, it's already heating up for the summer and I will be indoors where I can think about my life until I am nauseated!

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