Sunday, May 13, 2007


I took my dogs to the local dog park today as I do every Sunday but I think today was the last day for a while. I don't know if the allergies and subsequent medications brought my emotions to the surface or what, but I didn't feel welcome at all.

I don't expect the dogs or the humans to meet me at the gate with open arms, smiles, hugs and wagging tails but I felt ostracized. Bailey got a little rough with a puppy (St. Bernard that is already bigger than he is) and I put him on the leash, as I do any time he gets a little rough. I felt an invisible door slam shut and everyone turn away to shun us. I went over and stood in the shade then to a bench with just a little shade left then finally, I tracked down Duffy and we all left. I don't think we had been there 45 minutes but I like to stay 1 - 1 1/2 hours when we go. It's such a far drive so I want us to stay long enough to make it worth our while.

After today, I don't think it's worth our while for a while. Sad - we really enjoyed the park but not if we are going to be shunned when we visit. Too bad - my boys are really going to miss it.

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